Thursday, May 30, 2013

Christy at Corpus Christi.

I've only been here a month and this is probably the 5th or 6th celebration since I got here. It was for sure the largest. From what I can gather, churches from all around Cusco proceed into the center of town with their saints and then today, they marched around the square with music and lots of incense. It brought back memories of Holy Week in Guatemala. The Plaza de Armas was completely full of people. People were wearing their finest outfits and the sun was really shining.

I also tried a special plate called Chiriuchu, which has guinea pig, which is called cuy, fish roe, chicken, cheese, vegetables, corn bread and corn. It was an experience for sure. This is the second time I've had cuy. The first time was in Ecuador. The Peuvians have been telling me how much more delicious they prepare it, NOT. Since this is the most expensive dish they serve, I think I've had my fill.

1 comment:

  1. How cool is that? Now, that's a dish I've never heard about but it looks pretty good. We also celebrate Corpus Christi like that in Brazil. They make rugs out of colored sand and there's processions all over the country. Have fun and enjoy. South Americans are not stressed out people because they are always celebrating something :).


    We miss ya!
