Sunday, May 5, 2013

The end to altitude sickness and my new family

So its been 3 straight days of having a dull headache, a weird appetite and feeling winded after walking 5 steps, but with the help of a nearby pharmacy, I hope that I'm beginning to feel better. Altitude sickness is not for the faint of heart. I dont know how people who go straight to Machu Pichu do it.

Before meeting with the family I'll be staying with as part of my school, I went to the main plaza to watch a parade. They love to celebrate here. Everyone wears different and beautiful costumes. I'm not sure if it's for the different parishes or if it represents the different peoples. I especially loved the little boy in the black hairy costume and mask. The weather is pretty good right now, so it shouldn't have been that hot buried in all that wool.

My nuevo familia picked me up and brought me to their big house about 40 mins from the school. They seem really nice, but the commute is far, though just a cheap taxi away. They have a live in housekeeper and the daughter in law who lives here is in labor and probably having her second son as we speak, so the house is quiet. There's an older Canadian couple here as well. We'll also be in school together. It's nice speaking English. They'll be here another week, so I hope they'll adopt me as family until they leave. Since the first time I've ever really traveled alone, I'm noticing how quickly people come in and out of your life.

I start school tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Good to know that the headache is easing up on you. You'll get used to the altitude soon, I remember that our soccer team always suffered while playing there :).

    We had pizza with your Mom and Dad yesterday. They miss you and Heather, they are coming to our house for Mother's Day next week.

    The good news is that Ana is coming at the end of September to visit Mark and Djanira. It will be fun to have her around again. I'm sure Djanira will appreciate the extra help, specially with all of us working so much.

    Well, enjoy your new friends, it's fun to have a baby around:).

